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For Authors

The collection of scholarly papers “The Oriental Studies” receives articles in Ukrainian, Russian, English, sent to the following address: Ukraine, 01001, Kyiv, Hrushevskogo str., 4, Institute of Oriental Studies of Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, the editorial office of the journal "World of the Orient", e-mail: e-mail:


Manuscript should be given in MS Word document with the extension *.rtf or *doc. Manuscripts are reviewed anonymously and will not be returned.

The paper should not exceed 1 pp (40 thousand characters including spaces). The article should be accompanied by a summary in English (translated name and title of the article are required).

A separate page is for a title, author’s full name, degree, position as well as contact address, telephone numbers, e-mail.


Requirements for the illustrations:

All graphic files should be given separately from the text in the appropriate format, such as *.Jpg.


Requirements for the list of references:

References are given in the text. In square brackets the author’s name, year of publication (no comma before it) and, if necessary, pages are presented: [Michalak-Pikulska 2002, 66]. Initials are after author’s name only when the article refers to several authors with the same name. If in one place there are links to several articles, they are presented in chronological order, separated by semicolons. If the reference is to the collective monograph, encyclopedia, dictionary, etc., in square brackets there are the first words of the title: [Manzil ... 2013]. Text references should be given at the end of the article, before bibliography.

List of references should be given in alphabetical order, at the end of the article, titled REFERENCES. It should be typed double-spaced. Titles of the cited works are presented according to the following pattern:

Josephson J. A. The Invention of Religion in Japan. Chicago, 2012.

Krämer H. M. How ‘Religion’ Came to be Translated as Shūkyō: Shimaji Mokurai and the Appropriation of Religion in Early Meiji Japan // Japan Review, 2013, No. 25.

Shinto – A Short History. London and New York, 2003.


Transliteration of foreign words should be given in Latin letters with the corresponding diacritical marks. Proper names and titles should be based on traditional writing.

Every author of a published article is entitled to one free copy of the journal. Special imprints are not produced.


01001, Ukraine, Kyiv, Grushevsky str., 4, office 206
+38(044)2787652 (editor-in-chief),
+38(044)2799971 (editorial office)

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